Southern Cross Travel Insurance Discount Terms and Conditions

Effective date: 24 April 2023

Last updated: 24 February 2025


These terms explain who is eligible for discounts, and how discounts are applied to your policy.

Words that are italicised have specific meanings and are defined below:

  • certificate of insurance means the latest certificate detailing the cover you have bought. We email the certificate to the main policyholder to confirm we have issued a policy to you.
  • policy means the contract of insurance between you and us
  • policyholder means the person named on the certificate of insurance as policyholder
  • you, your means the main policyholder who pays for the policy
  • we, our, us means Southern Cross Travel Insurance, the trading name of Southern Cross Benefits Limited

Please note: We might offer other discounts or special offers from time to time which are not generally made available to all customers and which are not described in or covered by these discount terms.

By buying a Southern Cross Travel Insurance policy where a discount applies, you (the policyholder), and any other insured travellers named on the Certificate of Insurance, agree to and are bound by these discount terms.

These discount terms are subject to change at any time without notice.


Southern Cross Health Society member discount

The Southern Cross Health Society member discount is available if one or more insured travellers named on the Certificate of Insurance (including you) currently holds a health insurance policy with Southern Cross Health Society. This therefore makes them a member of Southern Cross Health Society and eligible for a member discount.

This discount is only available to people buying either an International Comprehensive New Zealand, International Medical Only New Zealand or a Domestic New Zealand travel insurance policy, and is only applied to the base premium of those policies.


How much is the member discount?

The Southern Cross Health Society member discount is 5% and applies only to the base premium. This means that the member discount doesn’t apply to any additional premiums for optional covers or reduced excess such as:

  • Covered conditions*1° (an illness or injury that we confirm we cover on a policyholder’s medical assessment or on an endorsement to the policy)
  • Specified Items cover*° (valuables for which an extra premium is paid)
  • Moped and motorbike cover* (moped and motorbike cover for which an extra premium is paid)
  • Skiing and snowboarding cover* (skiing and snowboarding cover for which an extra premium is paid)
  • Cruise cover*° (cover for cruises for which an extra premium is paid)
  • Maximum trip duration* (for Annual Multi-trip policies where either a 30, 60 or 90 day cover period is opted for)
  • Cancellation* (where extra premium is payable for $5,000, $10,000 or unlimited cover)
  • Reduced excess*° (decreased excess level).

*International Comprehensive policy

¹International Medical Only policy

°Domestic policy


How and when we apply the member discount

To be eligible for the member discount, you or any other insured traveller that will be named on the Certificate of Insurance, must be a current member of Southern Cross Health Society.

When you buy the policy online, you will be asked to confirm if you're a Southern Cross member. If you buy your policy online or over the phone, you must tell us whether you, or any other traveller that will be named on the Certificate of Insurance, are a Southern Cross Health Society member.

There may be instances where not all insured travellers are members. In this case, we’ll apply the discount to the whole policy premium, not just the portion of the policy premium that relates to the member(s). However, the discount is given to the main policyholder.

If you bought a policy and didn't let us know you were a member, we'll refund you the member discount if you inform us by email or phone that you hold an existing International Comprehensive, International Medical Only or Domestic Policy in New Zealand. This might be because you became a Southern Cross Health Society member after you bought the policy, or because you forgot when you bought your policy.

If we identify that you or any other insured traveller on your policy is a Southern Cross Health Society member and you haven't received a discount you're eligible for, we will endeavour to contact you.

Note that becoming a Southern Cross Health Society member after you have finished your trip will not entitle you to a member discount for past policies.