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When are you travelling?
Your departure date may be the date of your departure from New Zealand, or today's date if you've already departed New Zealand.
Where will you be travelling?
You should make sure it’s safe to travel to your destinations by checking for travel advisories on the SafeTravel website. To understand how travel warnings and advisories might impact your cover, check our frequently asked questions.
You cannot add more than 19 countries. Please select Worldwide.Popular destinations
Type all the destinations you're travelling to, or select from some of our popular destinations below. You don't need to list transit stops where you will spend less than 48 hours.South Pacific
- Australia
- Fiji
- Samoa
- Tonga
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Singapore
- Thailand
- India
North and South America
- United States of America
- Canada
- Mexico
- Brazil
- Argentina
- France
- Germany
- Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- Antarctica
- Worldwide
How many people are travelling?
You must be 18 years old or older to purchase this policy. A child must be accompanied by an insured adult.Enter adult traveller ages based on their age today. Adults must be aged between 18 and 65.You’re logged in, so we’ve filled in your age for you.
You’re logged in, so we’ve filled in your age for you. For additional adult travellers, enter ages based on their age today. Adults must be between 18 and 65.