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  • Dates

    When are you travelling?

    Select the dates you will depart and return to New Zealand. 

    Cover starts on the date you select, and you will have 12 months of cover from this date.

  • Destinations

    Where will you be travelling?

    You should make sure it’s safe to travel to your destinations by checking for travel advisories on the SafeTravel website. To understand how travel warnings and advisories might impact your cover, check our frequently asked questions.


  • Travellers

    Tell us more about who's travelling

    These estimates may change when further traveller information is provided.

    Dependent kids go free!

    You’re logged in, so we’ve filled in your age for you.

    You’re logged in, so we’ve filled in your age for you. For additional adult travellers, enter ages based on their age today. Adults must be between 18 and 118.

    Dependent kids go free!
  • Discount

    Are you a Southern Cross Health Society member?

    5% discount when you tell us you or another policyholder have health insurance with Southern Cross Health Society. Only applies to base premium, not additional premiums for optional covers or reduced excess. Learn more.